Macnaught ACK-2 Aviation Lubrication Accessory Kit
The ACK-2 kit is designed for use with the Macnaught manually operated "Mini-lube", "Super-lube" and air operated "Power-lube", "Max-lube" lubricators. These lubricators provide greasing pressures of up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa) and provide single-hand operation. The kit can also be used with other makes of quality grease guns with a standard grease coupler.
Use of the ACK-2 kit ensures postive, proffesional class greasing of small to large aircraft both civil and military. The kit provides accessories specially designed for greasing extremley difficult access area such as flap-tracks, ailerons and landing gear.
All kit items have been fully tested and approved. They are now in regular use by the Royal Air Force, U.S military forces and commercial airlines. The kit is housed in a heavy duty carrying case which provides the means for a quick sight-check of all contents.
NATO Stock Number: NSN 4930-01-105-9923
- KDN Right angle needlepoint coupler.
- KDR Right angle coupler.
- KDF21 21" (53cm) flexible extension.
- KZSNR 90 degree needlepoint coupler.
- KY Standard replacement coupler.
- KZDXL Straight needlepoint coupler.
- J65 Filler nozzle adaptor.
- KZHY Hypodermic needlepoint coupler.
- KZLN45 12" (30cm) 45 degree needlepoint coupler.
- KZLNR 12" (30cm) straight needlepoint coupler.
- KZLNS 12" (30cm) straight needlpoint coupler.
- KDE8" (20cm) rigid extension.
- KZLNJ 12" (30cm) "J" needlepoint coupler.

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