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GOK ODR Pressure Reducing Valve, For Agas, 100mb Pre-Set
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GOK ODR Pre-Set Pressure Reducing Valves

For use on any appliances where the inlet pressure should be @100mb, most commonly used for vaporiser type appliances such as Agas, but also used on all other types of oil fired heating boiler or cooker / range

The valve is required when the static head of oil is greater than 100mb, the equivalent to a positive head of approximately 1m. This may occurr when your oil tank is on a piece of garden at an elevated position to the boiler. The valve is capable of reducing pressure down from 6.0 Bar to 0.1 Bar - 6 Bar being the equivalent to roughly 60 Metres of positive head

Complete with 10mm compression fittings

Manufacturer Part Number13 001 0013 002 00
GOK Brochure (Download below) Page Ref.6868
Inlet & Outlet Ports8mm Compression10mm Compression
Gauge Port8mm Compression10mm Compression
Inlet Pressure Range0.5 to 6.0 Bar0.5 to 6.0 Bar
Outlet Pressure (Fixed)0.1 Bar (100 mb)0.1 Bar (100 mb)
Maximum Flow20 LPH20 LPH

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