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Robinson Glass Bottles, French Square, 15ml to 1000ml
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Robinson Glass Bottles, French Square, 15ml to 1000ml

Sold in full box quantites, see table below.

The wide mouth design of the French Square style bottles is ideal for mixing, storing, and sampling. The space saving square design maximises shelf and storage space. Paper-lined screw caps included.

Product NumberCapacityBox Quantity
404A07215ml / 1/2Oz48
404B02130ml / 1Oz280
404B022120ml / 4Oz24
404B023250ml / 8Oz84
404B0241000ml / 32OzTBC
Customs Tariff Code
Bottle, Glass, Clear, 0 ml - 150 ml7010904700
Bottle, Glass, Clear, 150 ml - 330 ml7010904500
Bottle, Glass, Clear, 330 ml - 999 ml7010904300
Bottle, Glass, Clear, 1000 ml +7010904100

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Product CodeRobinson_Bottle_French_Square

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