Emco Wheaton, Manhole Covers & Accessories
Emco Wheaton manhole covers set the standards for safety and efficiency with all covers feature secure and stable spring-loaded fill caps which provides fire engulfment venting in the event of the tank being exposed to a fire, and our steel cover arms exceed the Australian DROP test standard. Internationally accepted, and specified, by oil companies around the world to assist with the safe conveyance of petroleum-based products, the Emco Wheaton range of manhole covers offers unrivalled safety features and operational benefits.
All Emco Wheaton manhole covers, except the F0339 oval manhole cover, can be supplied as left-hand or right-hand configuration. This enables ancillary items, such as HLCO, dip tube or mechanical top operator, to be positioned on the tanker centre line. If the ancillary ports are to the left of the fill cap, the manhole cover is designated as left-hand. If the ancillary ports are to the right of the fill cap, the manhole cover is designated as right hand.
The hinge pin should always face the front of the tanker to ensure that the manhole cover falls shut in the event of a tanker driving away with the manlid open. This will ensure that the manhole cover will close to the first latch position.
- Two-stage opening allows safe release of residual compartment pressure before fully opening the fill cap.
- Pressure and vacuum vent fitted as standard for tank breathing. Various ratings are available to suit operational requirements.
- Automatic sealing in roll over situation prevents leakage.
- 250mm (10”) for easy drop pipe insertion when top loading is required.
Shown Below; Left-Hand or Right-Hand Configuration

Shown Below, Round Manhole Cover, Cast Aluminium, 16" Diameter, F0355

Shown Below, Round Manhole Cover, Pressed Aluminium, 20" Diameter, F0512-500

Shown Below, Oval Manhole Cover, Cast Aluminium, 16" x 14", F0339

Ordering InformationF0339054 | Manlid, Oval 440 x 384 (16” x 14”), 210mb, flame arrest PV vent |
F0355003 | Manlid, 16” LH assy, 210mb, 70/20 PV vent |
F0355331 | Manlid ,16" LH assy, 701/20 PV vent |
F0355904 | Manlid, 16” RH assy, 210mb 70/20 PV vent, 130deg opening |
F0512535 | Manlid, 20” LH assy, 250mb ALI PV 100/20 PV vent |
F0512536 | Manlid, 20” RH assy, 250mb ALI PV 100/20 PV vent |
F0512549 | Manlid, 20” RH, 250mb |
F0512549L | Manlid, 20” LH assy, 250mb with LOCK |
F0512596 | Manlid, 20” RH assy, 300mbar, 70/20 PV vent |
Download Emco Wheaton Tank Truck Equipment - Catalogue 2020 PDF