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Piusi K24 Turbine Flow Meter for Adblue / Urea
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Piusi K24 Turbine Flow Meters for Adblue / Urea

K24 flow meter calibrated for use with Adblue, can also be used with any other liquid that is not chemically agressive to the meters componemt materials. When used with other liquids of a different viscosity/SG, field calibration ma be required for best accuracy, instructions for this are included with the meter.

Supplied complete with digital display, showing;

  • Resettable 5-Digit batch total with floating decimal point between 0.1 to 99999
  • Non resettable total, 6-digit to 999999
Wetted Components
HousingGlass Reinforced Polypropylene
TurbineGlass Reinforced Polypropylene
Turbine ShaftStainless Steel
Technical Information - Local Display Version
Model NumberK24 Urea (F0040710A)
Power Source2x1.5vDC Batteries
Power ConsumptionUnknown
Output SignalNone
Pulses Per LitreNone
User CalibrationYes
Inlet / Outlet Fittings1" BSP Male, CW 1x 316SS Socket
Min Flowrate6 lpm
Max Flowrate120 lpm
Max Pressure20 Bar / 300 PSI
Pressure Loss0.15 Bar / 2.17 PSI
Temperature RangeUnknown
Weight0.4 Kg

Shown Below: Piusi K24 Urea Pulse Meter

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Product CodePiusi_F0040710_21

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