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Richter Dipping Tape, Brass Frame, Stainless Steel Tape, IPM Specification
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Richter Dipping Tape, Brass Frame, Stainless Steel Tape, IPM Specification


Supplied as standard with:

  • High Quality Brass Frame, with High Impact Wooden Handle.
  • Etched, Stainless Steel Tape (appears as black letters on a bare stainless steel background).
  • All IPM weights are connected using 498 Brass Hook & Knurled Locking Ring

To be added seperately, if required:

  • Weight.
  • 'MSE' type frame with grounding cable and clip.
  • Calibration Certificate. 2 options; Factory Calibration Cert. or UKAS/NMO Calibration Cert. 1 Certificate is required per 1 Tape. Price is per certificate.
  • Conformity Certificates: KON1 For orders of single or multiple tapes, one certificate per order. Or KON2 for tapes which have been Calibrated, and in that process, numbered, references the individual tape number in the certificate. Available per tape or per order showing all tape numbers on 1 certificate. Prices are per certificate.
  • As standard the tape will most commonly be supplied rolling down from the tape reel, it can be positioned either in this way or fed through the guide at the front of the frame on site. If a particular tape position is required upon receipt, then this can be requested at no cost - Suffix 'G' for tape rolling down from the tape reel, or Suffix 'F' for tape rolling out through the guide at the front of the frame. Example application of Suffix > MS(F)


  • IPM Specification, Accuracy: Under a tension of 15N and a reference temperature of 20°c, ±1.5mm for each 30m or ±0.06 in. for each 100 ft, in length.
  • Verifiable, Factory Calibration Certificate, if required, is to be purchased seperately.
  • 13 mm Wide, 0.2 mm Thick Hardened Stainless Steel Tape
  • 464 Tape, Single Side Graduations
  • 465 Tape, Double Side Graduations
  • Brass or Stainless Steel Weights, 675 or 1500g (1.5 Lbs, or 3.5 Lbs), With Single Side Side Graduations - Connects to the tape by means of a Brass Hook & Knurled Locking Ring
  • Richter Dipping Tapes conform to the specifications contained in the Institute of Petroleum Measurement Manual Part II, and to the international standard ISO/FDIS 4512
  • Each tape and weight is marked with its appropriate IPM number
  • These standards cover every component in precise detail, including the brass dip weight, the bell type locking swivel hook, and the brass frame winder and wooden handle. They reflect the accumulated experience of users in the petrochemical industry over many years and have been adopted by the industry in most parts of the world.
  • The maximum permitted error for the tape/weight combination is 1.5mm for all lengths up to 30m
  • The tapes are graduated on one side only.
  • Metric graduations are in mm (IPM8)
  • Single Side Imperial graduations are in feet, inches and 10ths of inches (IPM7A), or available to special order only: feet, inches, and 1/16ths inches (IPM7B)
  • Double Side Imperial graduations are in feet, inches, and 1/16ths inches (IPM7B), with Metric in mm (IPM8) on the reverse.
  • Etched stainless steel (grade 4021) for those applications which call for this tape material
  • Refills are available for when the tapes wear out
Reel & Tape Specification
Part NumberGraduationsFrame TypeLengthRichter Brochure Page
FR-D-464MS/IPM8-10Single Side, MetricMS - Brass10 m2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM8-15Single Side, MetricMS - Brass15 m2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM8-20Single Side, MetricMS - Brass20 m2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM8-25Single Side, MetricMS - Brass25 m2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM8-30Single Side, MetricMS - Brass30 m2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM8-50Single Side, MetricMS - Brass50 m2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM8-10Single Side, MetricMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip10 m2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM8-15Single Side, MetricMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip15 m2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM8-20Single Side, MetricMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip20 m2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM8-25Single Side, MetricMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip25 m2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM8-30Single Side, MetricMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip30 m2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM8-50Single Side, MetricMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip50 m2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7A-33Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMS - Brass33 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7A-50Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMS - Brass50 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7A-66Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMS - Brass66 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7A-82Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMS - Brass82 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7A-100Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMS - Brass100 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7A-165Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMS - Brass165 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7A-33Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip33 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7A-50Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip50 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7A-66Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip66 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7A-82Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip82 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7A-100Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip100 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7A-165Single Side, Imperial, 1/10thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip165 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7B-33Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass33 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7B-50Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass50 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7B-66Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass66 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7B-82Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass82 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7B-100Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass100 feet2.11
FR-D-464MS/IPM7B-165Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass165 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7B-33Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip33 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7B-50Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip50 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7B-66Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip66 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7B-82Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip82 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7B-100Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip100 feet2.11
FR-D-464MSE/IPM7B-165Single Side, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip165 feet2.11
FR-D-465MS/IPM7B-15/50Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass15m / 50 feetNot Featured
FR-D-465MS/IPM7B-20/66Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass20m / 66 feetNot Featured
FR-D-465MS/IPM7B-30/100Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16thsMS - Brass30m / 100 feetNot Featured
FR-D-465MSE/IPM7B-15/50Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip15m / 50 feetNot Featured
FR-D-465MSE/IPM7B-20/66Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip20m / 66 feetNot Featured
FR-D-465MSE/IPM7B-30/100Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16thsMSE - Brass with Grounding Cable & Clip30m / 100 feetNot Featured
Refill Tape Specification
Part NumberGraduationsLengthRichter Brochure Page
FR-D-464MSa/IPM8-10Single Side, Metric10 mNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM8-15Single Side, Metric15 mNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM8-20Single Side, Metric20 mNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM8-25Single Side, Metric25 mNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM8-30Single Side, Metric30 mNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM8-50Single Side, Metric50 mNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7A-33Single Side, Imperial, 1/10ths33ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7A-50Single Side, Imperial, 1/10ths50 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7A-66Single Side, Imperial, 1/10ths66 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7A-82Single Side, Imperial, 1/10ths82 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7A-100Single Side, Imperial, 1/10ths100 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7A-1Single Side, Imperial, 1/10ths165 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7B-33Single Side, Imperial, 1/16ths33ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7B-50Single Side, Imperial, 1/16ths50 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7B-66Single Side, Imperial, 1/16ths66 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7B-82Single Side, Imperial, 1/16ths82 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7B-100Single Side, Imperial, 1/16ths100 ftNot Featured
FR-D-464MSa/IPM7B-165Single Side, Imperial, 1/16ths165 ftNot Featured
FR-D-465MSa/IPM7B-15/50Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16ths15m / 50 ftNot Featured
FR-D-465MSa/IPM7B-20/66Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16ths20m / 66 ftNot Featured
FR-D-465MSa/IPM7B-30/100Double Side, Metric, Imperial, 1/16ths30m / 100 ftNot Featured
Weight Specification
Part NumberMaterialWeightGraduationsScale FrontScale ReverseDistance to top of eyeletDiameterRichter Brochure Page
FR-WEIGHT-B1-IPM8Brass675 gSingle Side, MetricmmNone152.4 mm30 mm2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-B1-IPM7ABrass1.5 lbsSingle Side, ImperialInches, 10thsNone6 Inches1,1/4"2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-B1-IPM7BBrass1.5 lbsSingle Side, ImperialInches, 16thsNone6 Inches1,1/4"2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-B2-IPM7ABrass675 g / 1.5 lbsDouble Side, Imperial & MetricmmInches, 10ths152.4 mm / 6 Inches30 mm / 1,1/4" (30 mm)3.23 (TDT & WMD)
FR-WEIGHT-B2-IPM7BBrass675 g / 1.5 lbsDouble Side, Imperial & MetricmmInches, 16ths152.4 mm / 6 Inches30 mm / 1,1/4" (30 mm)3.23 (TDT & WMD)
FR-WEIGHT-B1-R-IPM8Stainless Steel675 gSingle Side, MetricmmNone152.4 mm30 mm2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-B1-R-IPM7AStainless Steel1.5 lbsSingle Side, ImperialInches, 10thsNone6 Inches1,1/4"2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-B1-R-IPM7BStainless Steel1.5 lbsSingle Side, ImperialInches, 16thsNone6 Inches1,1/4"2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-B2-R-IPM7AStainless Steel675 g / 1.5 lbsDouble Side, Imperial & MetricmmInches, 10ths152.4 mm / 6 Inches30 mm / 1,1/4" (30 mm)3.23 (TDT & WMD)
FR-WEIGHT-B2-R-IPM7BStainless Steel675 g / 1.5 lbsDouble Side, Imperial & MetricmmInches, 16ths152.4 mm / 6 Inches30 mm / 1,1/4" (30 mm)3.23 (TDT & WMD)
FR-WEIGHT-W1-IPM8Brass1500 gSingle Side, MetricmmNone152.4 mm30 mm2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-W1-IPM7ABrass3.5 lbsSingle Side, ImperialInches, 10thsNone6 Inches1,3/4"2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-W1-IPM7BBrass3.5 lbsSingle Side, ImperialInches, 16thsNone6 Inches1,3/4"2.11 (Gen.)
FR-WEIGHT-W1-R-IPM8Stainless Steel1500 gSingle Side, MetricmmNone152.4 mm30 mm3.23 (TDT & WMD)
Replacement Winders
Part NumberType
FR-EMPTY-F.W-30Empty Frame Winder, 30m Capacity
FR-EMPTY-F.W-50Empty Frame Winder, 50m Capacity
FR-EMPTY-F.W-MSE30Empty Frame Winder, 30m Capacity, with Grounding Cable & Clip

Shown Below, Brass Weight B


Shown Below, Brass Weight W

Shown Below, 498 Brass Hook & Knurled Locking Ring

Shown Below, 464 IPM8 Tape (Note images shown Carbon Steel Tape. Stainless Steel Tape appears as black letters on a bare stainless steel background)

Shown Below, 464 IPM7A Tape

Shown Below, 464 IPM7B Tape

Shown Below, Refill Tape with 498 Brass Hook & Knurled Locking Ring

Shown Below, MSE Frame with Grounding Cable & Clip


Shown Below, 4 Digit I.D. Number, stamped onto tape crimp during Factory Calibration Process, pictured without, and with number.


Shown Below, Richter Dipping Tape with UKAS Calibration Markings

Shown Below, Optional Carry Case

Commodity Codes
Dipping Tapes90178010

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Download Richter Dipping Tapes - Correct Selection of Dip Weights PDFDownload Richter Dipping Tapes - Correct Selection of Dip Weights PDF

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Product CodeRichter-464-465-IPM

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